About the Technique

The Climate Change Calculator is a tool that allows for the design event probabilities shifts from climate change to be calculated anywhere in Australia quickly and easily. The tool implements the most recent ARR Climate Change Chapter by Wasco et al (2024) and the design information on the ARR datahub including the jurisdiction specific data.

The Climate Change Calculator does not include any rainfall runoff modelling. Instead, it assumes that rainfall excess calculated using the ARR ensemble modelling process for various climate scenarios can be used to estimate design event quantile shifts (eg. 1% AEP becomes a x% AEP). The tool makes two basic assumptions:

  • Equivalent rainfall excess- different climate scenarios for the same duration event will produce the same peak flow removing the need to do rainfall runoff modelling
  • Where the critical duration is not available it can be estimated from large test datasets in NSW and Queensland or an established time of concentration formula.

To use the tool enter your catchment outlet in latitude and longitude or upload a shapefile. The tool uses the Merit Hydrobasins to estimate catchment area. Users need to ensure this is correct or use the point data for small catchments. This is done using the “Process catchment area” button.

Note the shapefile should be in latitude and longitude projection (not MGA 94) to work with the hub, and you must group upload all of the shapefile components (not just the .shp, also the .shx and .dbf at a minimum) together.

Once users have confirmed the catchment is correct they can hit submit and a page will appear with your data.

User can also upload design life data, average annual damage information and stage frequency data to understand how climate change will affect.

  • Design life performance
  • Average annual damages
  • Stage frequency

This website is managed and maintained by WMAwater.

If you have have questions or feedback please send an email to [email protected]